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Ruth N��?ez


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Ruth was born in Madrid, April 7, 1979. Decided to be an actress while making a play for high school. Since then, she has been in two of the most important TV shows in Spanish TV: 'Compa/eros' and 'Yo soy Bea' (where she played the main character for 2 years) After the success of the show, she has committed herself to theater. First with 'Romeo and Julieta' (2009) and then with 'Monologos de la vagina' (The vagina monologues, by Eve Ensler)

Ruth was born in Madrid, April 7, 1979. Decided to be an actress while making a play for high school. Since then, she has been in two of the most important TV shows in Spanish TV: 'Compa/eros' and 'Yo soy Bea' (where she played the main character for 2 years) After the success of the show, she has committed herself to theater. First with 'Romeo and Julieta' (2009) and then with 'Monologos de la vagina' (The vagina monologues, by Eve Ensler)

She's Spanish, although she played a Bosnian girl called Tanja in the series "C... [Details Intro]