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Kevin Light


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Kevin Light, born and raised in Woodstock, NY, has lived on the WestCoast for the last twenty years. After a brief stint in the US AirforceAcademy in Colorado, he landed in Gainesville Florida where he receivedhis BS in Electrical Engineering. Postgraduate employment with HughesAircraft brought him out to California and he enrolled in graduateschool in Electrical Engineering at USC. It seemed his future was laidout, but despite promotions at Hughes, he felt a still, quiet voicewithin demanding expression. He wanted to be an actor.A fortunate turn of events landed him in a classroom with the legendarySanford Meisner, one of the founding members of the Group Theater, andan exacting but effective teacher. Various roles in television and filmfollowed for Kevin.Even though he loved acting, Kevin experienced something in yoga thatwas so compelling, he took a detour to study and eventually teach theancient discipline of body and mind.A Lover of the arts, architecture, yoga, and easter... [Details Intro]