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David Michael Latt

Producer,Visual Effects,Writer

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David Michael Latt is the co-founder of The Asylum, the film industries most prolific independent film studio in Hollywood. Latt heads up production which produces a feature film every three to four weeks. He develops and overseas all physical productions. Latt has won more than three dozen films awards, and his films have been invited in over 100 film festivals worldwide.In addition to production, Latt's company, The Asylum, has acquired over 400 movies over its course of 10 years. The Asylum is self-financed, and employs 8 full time staffers, and about 200 crew members every year. The Asylum, with their unique marketing and constraints on budget, has never made a film that has lost money.The Asylum has been featured in hundreds of publications, radio, and television shows including The Today Show, Countdown with Keith Oberman, Talk Soup, E! Entertainment News, The New York Post, Los Angeles Magazine, Variety, The Los Angeles Times, The Hollywood Reporter, Entertainment Weekly, New... [Details Intro]