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David Haydn-Jones


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From his seemingly inauspicious beginnings in his hometown of Kyle, Saskatchewan to the glittering hustle and bustle of Los Angeles where David Haydn-Jones now resides, this versatile actor has never lost his old-fashioned values or hard-working ethics.Reared in a household which he describes as "half-British, half-American, all-Canadian", David's family cherished the arts and international travel. When they relocated to the "big city" of Calgary, David, 15 at the time, took his first paying entertainment job as a singer and dancer, bringing to the forefront all of the natural talent that he had accumulated from his diverse upbringing.David was admitted to the prestigious McGill University and began to pursue a degree in architecture while simultaneously taking electives within the arts, including literature and theater. His penchant for Sketch Comedy drew him to the local clubs where he regularly performed. All the while he was acting in plays from Shakespeare, Moliere an... [Details Intro]