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David Heath


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David Heath was born February 16th, 1969 in Florida. He played high school football but suffered a serious neck injury that ended his career. Despite fears that he would never play contact sports again, he became interested in professional wrestling. He was trained by Boris Malenko, father of fellow wrestler Dean Malenko. He then hit the independent wrestling scene under different personas all involving a gothic theme. He debuted in the World Wrestling Federation in mid 1998 under the name "Gangrel." At first he opposed a wrestler named Edge, but they (along with Christian), formed a highly popular trio known as the Brood, and feuded with Al Snow's J.O.B. Squad at the end of 1998. Gangrel received a European title shot at the Royal Rumble but did not win. The Brood then joined The Ministry of Darkness and followed the Undertaker in his goal to capture Stephanie McMahon. In April 1999 the Brood left the Ministry and shorty after they broke up. In the summer of 1999, Gangrel joined Ma... [Details Intro]