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David Goldsmith

Camera and Electrical Department,Actor,Visual Effects

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David Goldsmith was born on July 19th 1969. His father, Jonathan Goldsmith, an actor, helped David in his own quest. David began as a comedy player in LA's first all teen improve group ...(you've gotta be kidding) and performed all over for 5 years including 8 months at Hollywood's the Laugh Factory.Moving on to stand-up and also many TV guest-starring roles including... A Different Affair (1987), The New Gidget (1986), The Twilight Zone (1985), and a host of TV spots. On his 15th birthday, Dave landed a starring role on CBS's Morningstar/Eveningstar (1986); the pilot never really "took," and David continued his comedy and education. David is a Video Assist Tech. Working in both TV and film and aspires to take his education and experience to the realm of directing.

David Goldsmith was born on July 19th 1969. His father, Jonathan Goldsmith, an actor, helped David in his own quest. David began as a comedy player in LA's first all teen improve group ...(you've gotta be kidding... [Details Intro]