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Kevin Gage


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Kevin Franklin Gaede, who later changed his name to Kevin Gage, was born and raised in northern Wisconsin. He was physically active, working on his grandparents' dairy farm and excelling in school sports, including basketball, baseball, football, hockey, and track. He also enjoyed fishing and other outdoor activities.After graduating high school, Kevin headed to Florida to see the ocean. After a few months he turned his sights on California, planning to find work in construction, and landed in Hollywood. There Kevin worked for a security company, drove delivery trucks, and (still only 18 years old) went to bartending school and became a bartender. The job paid well. Life was good.When Kevin was 21, tending bar at a local steakhouse, he was approached by a theatrical agent, who had him read for a part and then recommended that he take an acting class. He became a regular in local plays and within a few years he was picking up small roles in films and television, including Highway to ... [Details Intro]