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David F. Friedman


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David F. Friedman was born in Birmingham, Alabama. His father was a local newspaperman and his mother was a professional musician who played the piano and organ in silent-movie theaters and in churches. Friedman was exposed to the adult world at the age of four or five when his parents took him out "on the town" to restaurants, movies and stage shows. His father, already in his 50s when he was born, died when Friedman was 13. His mother re-married a few years later. After graduating from high school, Friedman was drafted into the US Army and served in Europe during World War II. After his discharge in 1945 he settled in Chicago, where he married and found work in filmmaking at Essanjay Films, where he knew co-owner Irwin Joseph, and they collaborated on making 8mm and 16mm underground sex hygiene films.During the 1950s Friedman worked for Paramount Pictures as well as Essanjay Films--which later became Modern Films--as well as the independent Apex Attractions in producing ... [Details Intro]