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David Eigenberg


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David was born on Long Island, New York, and has a younger sister named Betsy and an older sister named Helen, who is also a gifted actor. The family moved to Illinois when David was 4 and moved all around the suburbs of Chicago--Evanston, Northbrook, Aurora, and finally Naperville when the town was nothing more than a suburban farming town of 27,000 people. Going to public school all his years, he kicked around with the guys of his youth, many of which he still keeps up with. Every summer from the age of 12 on was a working summer, saving for college that only lasted 5 weeks, before he was kicked out.He met Ken Stien when he was 11. Ken was a local horseman who trained horses and riders alike. Being a transplant and a veteran like David's father, they all fit in together. Ken became a mentor and lifelong friend. Teenage drinking and mild drug abuse colored David's youth with several run-ins with the local police. Trouble followed him for many years before he got straight.Acting was... [Details Intro]