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Vincent Di Paolo


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Born in Seattle. Lived and studied in Italy for several years. Upon returning to the States he received his High School Diploma from Mercer Island High School in Washington State. Received a Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts from The School Of Performing Arts, San Diego, California. Has a Masters Degree in History of Italian Literature/Theater and its influence on Shakespeare. Hollywood bound, he sought out his cousin Lenny ( A Hell's Angel Member) and his " uncle", actor, the late Vince Barbi - to help him get connections and get started in Tinsel Town. Barbi and Lenny came through and Vincent got his SAG Card and acting jobs. But Hollywood was thankless and ruthless and jobs became scarce. So, Vincent, tired of being broke and dealing with the B.S. of Showbiz, called friends and was able to land a job as a dealer and eventually a Manager at a local eatery in Vegas. Things got intense in Vegas which compelled Vincent to consider other options. Subsequently, he returned to Seattle and ... [Details Intro]