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Rubens de Falco


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He began his career making theater. In 1955, he integrated the group"Os Jograis", of S?o Paulo, beside Ruy Afonso, Italo Rossi and FelipeWagner. In 1952 he made a debut at the movie theater, in a tip in thefilm Apassionata, for the fabled Cinematographic Company Vera Cruz. Intelevision, he had prominence parts in soap operas such as "O Rei dosCiganos" (1967), "A Rainha Louca" (1967), "O Passo dos Ventos" (1968),"Gabriela" (1975), "O Grito" (1975), "Escrava Isaura" (1976) and "DonaXepa" (1977). He almost always interprets papers of villain, type thatdoes with mastery. He is one of the great Brazilian actors.

He began his career making theater. In 1955, he integrated the group"Os Jograis", of S?o Paulo, beside Ruy Afonso, Italo Rossi and FelipeWagner. In 1952 he made a debut at the movie theater, in a tip in thefilm Apassionata, for the fabled Cinematographic Company Vera Cruz. Intelevision, he had prominence parts in soap operas such as "O Rei dosCiganos" (1967), "A Rainha L... [Details Intro]