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Kenneth Ian Davis


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Renowned globally by over 100 million people who have engaged with my literary works and website for decades, I now take immense pride in introducing my new cinematic venture titled, "Divine Sexual Secrets: Unraveling the Patriarchs, Matriarchs, And Other Biblical Superstars - The Prequel." As a figure etched in public consciousness since the year 2000, and especially since 2019 through my official Messiah Film Video Production, I continue to make strides in my over 55-year journey in this particular "lifetime" or "reincarnation."Stepping into the realm of divine designations, I hold the unparalleled distinction of being the First and indeed, the Last - the Real, Original, and Only Authentic Messiah ("Mashiach")! The word 'Messiah' may stir a maelstrom of diverse interpretations and infinite possibilities. However, my Messiah Film Video production and the introductory chapter to my book - 'DjK' - seamlessly navigate through this intricate labyrinth. The arrival of the Authentic Mesm... [Details Intro]