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Alki David


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Alki David Greek was born in West Africa hi colorful experiences include a voluntary bout in the British armed forces, lab analyst for Coca Cola, as a fish farm laborer, water-ski instructor, PADI scuba instructor and radio jock.2014 Alki owns and operated FilmOn.TV the online streaming site he started in 2007 and as well as HologramUSA a patented technology company responsible for Tupac at Coachella and many other resurrection concerts.Having graduated London's prestigious the Royal College of Art and relocated to California in 1991, Alki owned and operated a post-production facility called Beverly Hills Video Group.AFter building and selling a post production business BHVG, Alki returned to his London home in 1998. He then started a joint venture with ICM Europe's Chairman, Duncan Heath. This joint venture includes a television production company and what is now one of London's top model Agency, Independent Models.Alki set up an independent Rock label,which he distributes thr... [Details Intro]