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David Clennon


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A tall, lean, sometimes bearded actor with a career lasting more than forty years, David Clennon is also a very vocal political agitator. In 1967, during the most savage years of U.S. aggression against Vietnam, Clennon turned in his Selective Service System identification card (a federal felony) and joined the draft resistance movement. His anti-war, anti-draft activities are included in the book "Confronting the War Machine," by Michael Foley. Appearing in Sam Shepard's "The Unseen Hand" in 1970, he began to establish himself in off-Broadway theater. He also performed in several regional theatres, and on Broadway, in Chekov's "The Cherry Orchard" (1977). He began his film career as a background actor in "The Way We Were" (1973). His first speaking role was in "The Paper Chase" (also 1973).As his career developed, he always tried to follow his moral and political convictions. He has turned down roles in films (e.g., "Just Cause," which promoted the death penalty) and televisio... [Details Intro]