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David Warner


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Distinguished character actor David Hattersley Warner was born on July 29, 1941 in Manchester, England, to Ada Doreen (Hattersley) and Herbert Simon Warner. He was born out of wedlock and raised by each of his parents, eventually settling with his itinerant father and stepmother. He only saw his mother again on her deathbed. As an only child from a dysfunctional family, young David excelled neither at academia nor at athletics. He attended eight schools and "failed his exams at all of them." After a series of odd jobs, he was accepted against all odds at Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA), and became a member of the Royal Shakespeare Company.When he first took up acting, it was not with the notion of a prospective career, but rather to escape (in his own words) 'a messy childhood.' Warner received some early mentoring from one of his teachers, and made his theatrical debut in 1962 at the Royal Court Theatre as Snout in A Midsummer Night's Dream, directed by Tony Richardson. A year later, he became the youngest-ever actor to play Hamlet at the Royal Shakespeare Company. Comedy may not have been his forte as much as the likes of Falstaff, Lysander and (on several occasions) Henry VI. Eventually becoming disaffected with the theatre (and plagued for some years by stage fright), Warner found himself better served by the celluloid medium. His first big break came on the strength of his small part in A Midsummer Night's Dream, courtesy of Tony Richardson who cast him in his bawdy period romp Tom Jones (1963) as the mendacious, pimple-faced antagonist Blifil, who vied with Albert Finney for the affections of Susannah York. A proper starring turn on the big screen followed in due course with the title role in Morgan! (1966), Warner playing a deranged artist with Marxist leanings who goes to absurd lengths to reclaim his ex-wife (played by Vanessa Redgrave), including blowing up his mother-in-law. In yet another off-beat satire, Work Is a Four Letter Word (1968), Warner played a corporate drop-out who grows psychedelic mushrooms in an automated world of the future. Combined with his two-year stint as Hamlet with the RSC, Warner became a star at age 24.By the 1970s, he had become one of Britain's most sought-after character actors and went on to enjoy an illustrious and prolific career on both sides of the Atlantic, throughout which he rarely spurned a role offered him. Tall and somewhat ungainly in appearance, Warner excelled at troubled, introspective loners, outcasts and mavericks or downright sinister individuals. The latter have included SS General Reinhardt Heydrich in Holocaust (1978), Jack the Ripper in Time After Time (1979), Picard's sadistic Cardassian torturer Gul Madred in Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987), the villainous ex-Pinkerton man Spicer Lovejoy in Titanic (1997) and the evil geniuses of Time Bandits (1981) (a role turned down by Jonathan Pryce) and Tron (1982). He also essayed the creature to Robert Powell 's Frankenstein (1984).Less eccentric roles saw him as the doomed photojournalist who literally loses his head in The Omen (1976) (Warner later described the experience of working alongside Gregory Peck as a career highlight), the sympathetic, but equally ill-fated Klingon Chancellor Gorkon in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991) and the sad, likeable fantasist Aldous Gajic, searching for the Grail in Babylon 5 (1993). Warner also appeared in a trio of films for which he was handpicked by the director Sam Peckinpah. Best of these is arguably the comedy western The Ballad of Cable Hogue (1970), with Warner well cast as the roving-eyed, itinerant Reverend Joshua Duncan Sloane. Warner won an Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Limited Series for his performance as the Roman Senator Pomponius Falco in the miniseries Masada (1981). Following a three-decade long absence, Warner returned to the stage in 2001 for the role of Andrew Undershaft in Shaw's Major Barbara. In 2004, he played the title role in King Lear at the Chichester Theatre Festival in England. More recently, he appeared on TV as Professor Abraham Van Helsing in Penny Dreadful (2014), as Rabbi Max Steiner in Ripper Street (2012) and as Kenneth Branagh's ailing father in Wallander (2008).A riveting screen presence, the ever-versatile and charismatic David Warner passed away aged 80 from cancer at Denville Hall, an entertainment industry care home, in Northwood, London, on 24 July 2022.
David Warner
Bio: Distinguished character actor David Hattersley Warner was born on July 29, 1941 in Manchester, England, to Ada Doreen (Hattersley) and Herbert Simon Warner. He was born out of wedlock and raised by each of his parents, eventually settling with his itinerant father and stepmother. He only saw his mother again on her deathbed. As an only child from a dysfunctional family, young David excelled neither at academia nor at athletics. He attended eight schools and "failed his exams at all of them." After a series of odd jobs, he was accepted against all odds at Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA), and became a member of the Royal Shakespeare Company.When he first took up acting, it was not with the notion of a prospective career, but rather to escape (in his own words) 'a messy childhood.' Warner received some early mentoring from one of his teachers, and made his theatrical debut in 1962 at the Royal Court Theatre as Snout in A Midsummer Night's Dream, directed by Tony Richardson. A year later, he became the youngest-ever actor to play Hamlet at the Royal Shakespeare Company. Comedy may not have been his forte as much as the likes of Falstaff, Lysander and (on several occasions) Henry VI. Eventually becoming disaffected with the theatre (and plagued for some years by stage fright), Warner found himself better served by the celluloid medium. His first big break came on the strength of his small part in A Midsummer Night's Dream, courtesy of Tony Richardson who cast him in his bawdy period romp Tom Jones (1963) as the mendacious, pimple-faced antagonist Blifil, who vied with Albert Finney for the affections of Susannah York. A proper starring turn on the big screen followed in due course with the title role in Morgan! (1966), Warner playing a deranged artist with Marxist leanings who goes to absurd lengths to reclaim his ex-wife (played by Vanessa Redgrave), including blowing up his mother-in-law. In yet another off-beat satire, Work Is a Four Letter Word (1968), Warner played a corporate drop-out who grows psychedelic mushrooms in an automated world of the future. Combined with his two-year stint as Hamlet with the RSC, Warner became a star at age 24.By the 1970s, he had become one of Britain's most sought-after character actors and went on to enjoy an illustrious and prolific career on both sides of the Atlantic, throughout which he rarely spurned a role offered him. Tall and somewhat ungainly in appearance, Warner excelled at troubled, introspective loners, outcasts and mavericks or downright sinister individuals. The latter have included SS General Reinhardt Heydrich in Holocaust (1978), Jack the Ripper in Time After Time (1979), Picard's sadistic Cardassian torturer Gul Madred in Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987), the villainous ex-Pinkerton man Spicer Lovejoy in Titanic (1997) and the evil geniuses of Time Bandits (1981) (a role turned down by Jonathan Pryce) and Tron (1982). He also essayed the creature to Robert Powell 's Frankenstein (1984).Less eccentric roles saw him as the doomed photojournalist who literally loses his head in The Omen (1976) (Warner later described the experience of working alongside Gregory Peck as a career highlight), the sympathetic, but equally ill-fated Klingon Chancellor Gorkon in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991) and the sad, likeable fantasist Aldous Gajic, searching for the Grail in Babylon 5 (1993). Warner also appeared in a trio of films for which he was handpicked by the director Sam Peckinpah. Best of these is arguably the comedy western The Ballad of Cable Hogue (1970), with Warner well cast as the roving-eyed, itinerant Reverend Joshua Duncan Sloane. Warner won an Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Limited Series for his performance as the Roman Senator Pomponius Falco in the miniseries Masada (1981). Following a three-decade long absence, Warner returned to the stage in 2001 for the role of Andrew Undershaft in Shaw's Major Barbara. In 2004, he played the title role in King Lear at the Chichester Theatre Festival in England. More recently, he appeared on TV as Professor Abraham Van Helsing in Penny Dreadful (2014), as Rabbi Max Steiner in Ripper Street (2012) and as Kenneth Branagh's ailing father in Wallander (2008).A riveting screen presence, the ever-versatile and charismatic David Warner passed away aged 80 from cancer at Denville Hall, an entertainment industry care home, in Northwood, London, on 24 July 2022.

Tivia: Had vertigo and was doubled in Time Bandits (1981) in the scene where the Evil Genius walks up the steps after caging the bandits, because he could not handle the drop below him.Had played three different species in the Star Trek universe: a human in Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989), a Klingon in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991), and a Cardassian in Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987).Warner's limp in Straw Dogs (1971) was real. He smashed both his heels in a fall sometime before filming began and it was a long time before he could walk normally again. He clarified in a 2017 interview that this was unrelated to the fact his name is not in the credits (as has been claimed): his agent wanted him to have above-the-title billing with Dustin Hoffman and Susan George, Hoffman and George's agents refused, and he decided to resolve the quarrel by going uncredited.In Time After Time (1979), he played John Leslie Stevenson (Jack the Ripper). In The Outer Limits (1995) episode "Ripper", he played Inspector Harold Langford, who was investigating Dr. John York (Cary Elwes), who was suspected of being Jack the Ripper.He took over the role of Gul Madred on Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987) (two-part episode "Chain of Command") on three days' notice. He could not learn his lines in that short time, so he had to use cue cards. He said: "Every line I said, I actually was reading over Patrick Stewart's shoulder or they put it down there for me to do it. After I finished it, I thought it worked, which obviously it did.".Was one of only 32 actors or actresses to have starred in both the original Star Trek (up to and including Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991)) and in one of the spin-offs.Had appeared with Ian Holm in six films: The Bofors Gun (1968), The Fixer (1968), A Midsummer Night's Dream (1968), Holocaust (1978), S.O.S. Titanic (1979) and Time Bandits (1981).Made guest appearances on two different series about Superman. He played Superman's biological father Jor-El on Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman (1993) and Ra's-Al-Ghul on Superman: The Animated Series (1996).Had appeared in three films involving time travel: Time After Time (1979), Time Bandits (1981) and Planet of the Apes (2001).Is one of only 29 actors to have speaking roles in both the Doctor Who and Star Trek franchises.Although he played Reinhard Heydrich, one of the key architects of the Holocaust, in both Holocaust (1978) and Hitler's S.S.: Portrait in Evil (1985), he had part Jewish ancestry in real life. He told an interviewer that playing Heydrich first time around "was one of the most painful experiences I've ever had as an actor", and that he reprised the role purely "because I needed the work".Both he and his The Company of Wolves (1984) co-star Terence Stamp have played Jor-El, the biological Kryptonian father of Superman. He played the role in Foundling (1994) whereas Stamp provided the character's voice on Smallville (2001).By appearing on Batman: The Animated Series (1992), he became the first actor to play the villain Ra's-Al-Ghul. To date, he has been succeeded by Ken Watanabe, Liam Neeson and Matt Nable.Had worked with James Cromwell in The Man with Two Brains (1983). Both stars appeared in the very popular Star Trek series. Warner appeared in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991) and Cromwell appeared in Star Trek: First Contact (1996).Had appeared in two films co-written by Lawrence Konner and Mark Rosenthal: Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991) and Planet of the Apes (2001).Had worked with Malcolm McDowell in Time After Time (1979). Both stars appeared in the very popular Star Trek series. Warner appeared in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991) and McDowell appeared in Star Trek: Generations (1994).Trained at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts (RADA) in London, England; became an Associate Member.Had appeared in two Best Picture Academy Award winners: Tom Jones (1963) and Titanic (1997). Chosen by Tony Richardson for his role in Tom Jones (1963) after the director enjoyed his performance in the play "Afore the Night" (1962).He was suggested by Jane Baker as a candidate to replace Colin Baker as the Doctor in Doctor Who (1963), which ultimately went to Sylvester McCoy. He was considered for many guest roles on the series: Aukon in State of Decay: Part One (1980), Commander Scott in Earthshock: Part One (1982), Valgard in Terminus: Part One (1983), Vorshak in Warriors of the Deep: Part One (1984), Colonel Archer in Resurrection of the Daleks: Part One (1984), The Governor in Vengeance on Varos: Part One (1985), Maylin Tekker in Timelash: Part One (1985), Orcini in Revelation of the Daleks: Part One (1985), Merdeen in The Trial of a Time Lord: Part One (1986), Yrcanos and Corzier in The Trial of a Time Lord: Part Five (1986), Gavrok in Delta and the Bannermen: Part One (1987), Kane in Dragonfire: Part One (1987), Ratcliffe in Remembrance of the Daleks: Part One (1988), Josiah Samuel Smith in Ghost Light: Part One (1989) and Peter Warmsly in Battlefield: Part One (1989). He was also considered for Borusa in Doctor Who: The Movie (1996) before the character was dropped from the script. He did guest star as Professor Grisenko in Cold War (2013), as well as Lord Azlok in Doctor Who: Dreamland (2009).He was born out of wedlock and frequently taken to be brought up by each of his parents, eventually settling with his father and stepmother.Had appeared in three films about the RMS Titanic: S.O.S. Titanic (1979), Time Bandits (1981) and Titanic (1997). Titanic (1997) has been selected for the National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being "culturally, historically or aesthetically significant".Had played the same character (Ra's-Al-Ghul) on three different series: Batman: The Animated Series (1992), Superman: The Animated Series (1996) and Batman Beyond (1999).Although he played Rosanna DeSoto's father in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991), he was only nine years her senior.He was among the actors in the running for Dr. Armstrong and Dr. Bukovsky in the horror film Lifeforce (1985); Sir Patrick Stewart and Michael Gothard won the roles.He had two roles in common with his Time After Time (1979) co-star Malcolm McDowell: (1) McDowell played Admiral Geoffrey Tolwyn in Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger (1994), Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom (1995) and Wing Commander Academy (1996) while Warner played him in Wing Commander (1999) and (2) McDowell played Professor Abraham Van Helsing in Suck (2009) while Warner played him in Penny Dreadful (2014).He has two roles in common with Peter Cushing, Nigel Davenport and Frank Finlay: (1) Cushing played Professor Van Helsing in Horror of Dracula (1958), The Brides of Dracula (1960), Dracula A.D. 1972 (1972), The Satanic Rites of Dracula (1973) and The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires (1974), Davenport played him in Dracula (1974), Finlay played him in Count Dracula (1977) and Warner played him in Penny Dreadful (2014) and (2) Davenport played Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in Conan Doyle (1972), Cushing played him in The Great Houdini (1976), Finlay played him in The Other Side (1992) and Warner played him in Houdini (1998).He turned down the role of Richard Rich in A Man for All Seasons (1966), as he was busy playing Hamlet at Stratford-upon-Avon. The role went to Sir John Hurt.David Warner played the same role twice (King Henry VI) in two different productions of the same name, for two different directors, over two decades apart. First came The Wars of the Roses (1965) for director John Barton, and second came The Wars of the Roses (1989) for director Michael Bogdanov. Coincidentally, the later production was released in the same year as The War of the Roses (1989) which was unrelated in every way, but had a similar title, and which did not star Warner.He has two roles in common with both David Collings and Richard E. Grant: (1) Collings played Bob Cratchit in Scrooge (1970), Warner played him in A Christmas Carol (1984) and Grant played him in A Christmas Carol (1999) and (2) Grant played the Doctor in Comic Relief: Doctor Who - The Curse of Fatal Death (1999) and Doctor Who: Scream of the Shalka (2003), Collings played him in the Big Finish audio drama "Full Fathom Five" and Warner played him in the Big Finish audio dramas "Sympathy for the Devil" and "Masters of War".David Hattersley Warner passed away from cancer on July 24, 2022, only five days away from what would have been his 81st birthday on July 29.Pictured as the character Klingon Chancellor Gorkon on one of a set of 18 British commemorative postage stamps issued 13 November 2020, celebrating the "Star Trek" television and film franchise. Stamps were issued as 12 individual stamps, honoring captains and crew members; and 6 stamps in a single souvenir sheet, highlighting heroes and villains. All stamps were nondenominated and marked first class (76p on day of issue). Others honored by this set are William Shatner, Patrick Stewart, Avery Brooks, Kate Mulgrew, Scott Bakula, Jason Isaacs, Leonard Nimoy, Marina Sirtis, Alexander Siddig, Dominic Keating, Sonequa Martin-Green, Shazad Latif, Simon Pegg, Tom Hardy, Malcolm McDowell, Alice Eve, and Idris Elba.He was considered for the role of Grandpa Joe in Tim Burton's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005), which went to David Kelly.His paternal grandparents were Russian Jewish immigrants. His mother's family was English.In the early 1960s, he was a founding member of the RSC playing Hamlet, Richard III, Henry IV among others and quickly found his way into films.
Name: David Warner Type: Actor,Producer,Soundtrack (IMDB)
Area: All World Platform: IMDB
Business scope: Actor,Producer,Soundtrack
Products for sale: Actor,Producer,Soundtrack
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David Warner data
Model rank: 246
Last update: 2024-07-01 04:39:31
David Warner profile
Height: 6' 2' (1.88 m)
Biography: Distinguished character actor David Hattersley Warner was born on July 29, 1941 in Manchester, England, to Ada Doreen (Hattersley) and Herbert Simon Warner. He was born out of wedlock and raised by each of his parents, eventually settling with his it
Trivia: Had vertigo and was doubled in Time Bandits (1981) in the scene where the Evil Genius walks up the steps after caging the bandits, because he could not handle the drop below him.Had played three different species in the Star Trek universe: a human in Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989), a Klingon in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991), and a Cardassian in Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987).Warner's limp in Straw Dogs (1971) was real. He smashed both his heels in a fall sometime before filming began and it was a long time before he could walk normally again. He clarified in a 2017 interview that this was unrelated to the fact his name is not in the credits (as has been claimed): his agent wanted him to have above-the-title billing with Dustin Hoffman and Susan George, Hoffman and George's agents refused, and he decided to resolve the quarrel by going uncredited.In Time After Time (1979), he played John Leslie Stevenson (Jack the Ripper). In The Outer Limits (1995) episode "Ripper", he played Inspector Harold Langford, who was investigating Dr. John York (Cary Elwes), who was suspected of being Jack the Ripper.He took over the role of Gul Madred on Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987) (two-part episode "Chain of Command") on three days' notice. He could not learn his lines in that short time, so he had to use cue cards. He said: "Every line I said, I actually was reading over Patrick Stewart's shoulder or they put it down there for me to do it. After I finished it, I thought it worked, which obviously it did.".Was one of only 32 actors or actresses to have starred in both the original Star Trek (up to and including Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991)) and in one of the spin-offs.Had appeared with Ian Holm in six films: The Bofors Gun (1968), The Fixer (1968), A Midsummer Night's Dream (1968), Holocaust (1978), S.O.S. Titanic (1979) and Time Bandits (1981).Made guest appearances on two different series about Superman. He played Superman's biological father Jor-El on Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman (1993) and Ra's-Al-Ghul on Superman: The Animated Series (1996).Had appeared in three films involving time travel: Time After Time (1979), Time Bandits (1981) and Planet of the Apes (2001).Is one of only 29 actors to have speaking roles in both the Doctor Who and Star Trek franchises.Although he played Reinhard Heydrich, one of the key architects of the Holocaust, in both Holocaust (1978) and Hitler's S.S.: Portrait in Evil (1985), he had part Jewish ancestry in real life. He told an interviewer that playing Heydrich first time around "was one of the most painful experiences I've ever had as an actor", and that he reprised the role purely "because I needed the work".Both he and his The Company of Wolves (1984) co-star Terence Stamp have played Jor-El, the biological Kryptonian father of Superman. He played the role in Foundling (1994) whereas Stamp provided the character's voice on Smallville (2001).By appearing on Batman: The Animated Series (1992), he became the first actor to play the villain Ra's-Al-Ghul. To date, he has been succeeded by Ken Watanabe, Liam Neeson and Matt Nable.Had worked with James Cromwell in The Man with Two Brains (1983). Both stars appeared in the very popular Star Trek series. Warner appeared in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991) and Cromwell appeared in Star Trek: First Contact (1996).Had appeared in two films co-written by Lawrence Konner and Mark Rosenthal: Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991) and Planet of the Apes (2001).Had worked with Malcolm McDowell in Time After Time (1979). Both stars appeared in the very popular Star Trek series. Warner appeared in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991) and McDowell appeared in Star Trek: Generations (1994).Trained at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts (RADA) in London, England; became an Associate Member.Had appeared in two Best Picture Academy Award winners: Tom Jones (1963) and Titanic (1997). Chosen by Tony Richardson for his role in Tom Jones (1963) after the director enjoyed his performance in the play "Afore the Night" (1962).He was suggested by Jane Baker as a candidate to replace Colin Baker as the Doctor in Doctor Who (1963), which ultimately went to Sylvester McCoy. He was considered for many guest roles on the series: Aukon in State of Decay: Part One (1980), Commander Scott in Earthshock: Part One (1982), Valgard in Terminus: Part One (1983), Vorshak in Warriors of the Deep: Part One (1984), Colonel Archer in Resurrection of the Daleks: Part One (1984), The Governor in Vengeance on Varos: Part One (1985), Maylin Tekker in Timelash: Part One (1985), Orcini in Revelation of the Daleks: Part One (1985), Merdeen in The Trial of a Time Lord: Part One (1986), Yrcanos and Corzier in The Trial of a Time Lord: Part Five (1986), Gavrok in Delta and the Bannermen: Part One (1987), Kane in Dragonfire: Part One (1987), Ratcliffe in Remembrance of the Daleks: Part One (1988), Josiah Samuel Smith in Ghost Light: Part One (1989) and Peter Warmsly in Battlefield: Part One (1989). He was also considered for Borusa in Doctor Who: The Movie (1996) before the character was dropped from the script. He did guest star as Professor Grisenko in Cold War (2013), as well as Lord Azlok in Doctor Who: Dreamland (2009).He was born out of wedlock and frequently taken to be brought up by each of his parents, eventually settling with his father and stepmother.Had appeared in three films about the RMS Titanic: S.O.S. Titanic (1979), Time Bandits (1981) and Titanic (1997). Titanic (1997) has been selected for the National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being "culturally, historically or aesthetically significant".Had played the same character (Ra's-Al-Ghul) on three different series: Batman: The Animated Series (1992), Superman: The Animated Series (1996) and Batman Beyond (1999).Although he played Rosanna DeSoto's father in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991), he was only nine years her senior.He was among the actors in the running for Dr. Armstrong and Dr. Bukovsky in the horror film Lifeforce (1985); Sir Patrick Stewart and Michael Gothard won the roles.He had two roles in common with his Time After Time (1979) co-star Malcolm McDowell: (1) McDowell played Admiral Geoffrey Tolwyn in Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger (1994), Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom (1995) and Wing Commander Academy (1996) while Warner played him in Wing Commander (1999) and (2) McDowell played Professor Abraham Van Helsing in Suck (2009) while Warner played him in Penny Dreadful (2014).He has two roles in common with Peter Cushing, Nigel Davenport and Frank Finlay: (1) Cushing played Professor Van Helsing in Horror of Dracula (1958), The Brides of Dracula (1960), Dracula A.D. 1972 (1972), The Satanic Rites of Dracula (1973) and The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires (1974), Davenport played him in Dracula (1974), Finlay played him in Count Dracula (1977) and Warner played him in Penny Dreadful (2014) and (2) Davenport played Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in Conan Doyle (1972), Cushing played him in The Great Houdini (1976), Finlay played him in The Other Side (1992) and Warner played him in Houdini (1998).He turned down the role of Richard Rich in A Man for All Seasons (1966), as he was busy playing Hamlet at Stratford-upon-Avon. The role went to Sir John Hurt.David Warner played the same role twice (King Henry VI) in two different productions of the same name, for two different directors, over two decades apart. First came The Wars of the Roses (1965) for director John Barton, and second came The Wars of the Roses (1989) for director Michael Bogdanov. Coincidentally, the later production was released in the same year as The War of the Roses (1989) which was unrelated in every way, but had a similar title, and which did not star Warner.He has two roles in common with both David Collings and Richard E. Grant: (1) Collings played Bob Cratchit in Scrooge (1970), Warner played him in A Christmas Carol (1984) and Grant played him in A Christmas Carol (1999) and (2) Grant played the Doctor in Comic Relief: Doctor Who - The Curse of Fatal Death (1999) and Doctor Who: Scream of the Shalka (2003), Collings played him in the Big Finish audio drama "Full Fathom Five" and Warner played him in the Big Finish audio dramas "Sympathy for the Devil" and "Masters of War".David Hattersley Warner passed away from cancer on July 24, 2022, only five days away from what would have been his 81st birthday on July 29.Pictured as the character Klingon Chancellor Gorkon on one of a set of 18 British commemorative postage stamps issued 13 November 2020, celebrating the "Star Trek" television and film franchise. Stamps were issued as 12 individual stamps, honoring captains and crew members; and 6 stamps in a single souvenir sheet, highlighting heroes and villains. All stamps were nondenominated and marked first class (76p on day of issue). Others honored by this set are William Shatner, Patrick Stewart, Avery Brooks, Kate Mulgrew, Scott Bakula, Jason Isaacs, Leonard Nimoy, Marina Sirtis, Alexander Siddig, Dominic Keating, Sonequa Martin-Green, Shazad Latif, Simon Pegg, Tom Hardy, Malcolm McDowell, Alice Eve, and Idris Elba.He was considered for the role of Grandpa Joe in Tim Burton's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005), which went to David Kelly.His paternal grandparents were Russian Jewish immigrants. His mother's family was English.In the early 1960s, he was a founding member of the RSC playing Hamlet, Richard III, Henry IV among others and quickly found his way into films.
Trademarks: Deep smooth voice Often played menacing, sinister villains Often played eccentric characters
Quotes: [on The Omen (1976)] I never saw it as a horror movie. <br /> <hr> It's all out of one's hands. One goes and does one's best. That's what Albert Finney says -- one main hit, that's all you can hope for. <br /> <hr> [on The Omen (1976)] What was so good about that picture was that there was no blood in it, really. It's not a gorefest. Strange things happen, but it's got the mood and the music and everything. So of its type, of its kind, I think it's quite a superior film. But either way, you don't say no if you're asked to work with Gregory Peck. And he was wonderful, by the way. <br /> <hr> [on Time Bandits (1981)] Time Bandits is one of Terry Gilliam's brilliant visual feasts, of bringing to the screen what you could only dream about. When they talk about "vision" and all that, he's the only person I know of who could put his crazy dreams onto the screen. He's truly a conjurer. Just an extraordinary mind. <br /> <hr> In America, I met some fantastic people making films. But going there felt like a bit of a defeat. I mean, why should I leave my country to work? But there was far more television and film in American then. At the time, I didn't like the psoriasis with the stage fright, but it may have made me more sensitive and introverted, which might have led to it.
Salaries: The Sea Gull (1969) - $25,000
Job title: Actor,Producer,Soundtrack
Others works: (1991) TV commercial for the video game METROID (1986) Audiobook - "A Classic Mystery Sampler" (1997) Audiobook - The Complete Spoken Word Bible; Ruth, Samuel 1 & 2 (1996) Audiobook - "Great Cat Mysteries" (1997) Audiobook - "
Spouse: Sheilah Kent (1979 - 2005) (divorced, 2 children)Harriet Lindgren (1969 - 1972) (divorced)
Children: Melissa WarnerLuke Warner
Parents: Herbert Simon Warner Doreen Warner (Hattersley)
David Warner SNS
Pvnew page: http://pvnew.com/user/nm0001831/
Platform page: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001831/
Identifier url: http://res.cmspc.com/e/action/ShowInfo.php?classid=3173&id=6140