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Antonio Banderas


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Antonio Banderas, one of Spain's most famous faces, was a soccer player until breaking his foot at the age of fourteen; he is now an international movie star known for playing Zorro in the eponymous movie series.He was born Jos�� Antonio Dom��nguez Banderas on August 10, 1960, in M��laga, Andalusia, Spain. His father, Jose Dominguez, was a policeman in the Spanish civil guards. His mother, Do?a Ana Banderas Gallego, was a school teacher. Young Banderas was brought up a Roman Catholic. He wanted to play soccer professionally and made much success playing for his school team until the age of 14, albeit his dream ended when he broke his foot. At that time, he developed a passion for theatre after seeing the stage production of "Hair". Banderas began his acting studies at the School of Dramatic Arts in M��laga, and made his acting debut at a small theatre in M��laga. He was arrested by the Spanish police for performance in a play by Bertolt Brecht, because of political censors... [Details Intro]