dirty old man, don't get enough, love jacking since I don't get laid. I first became aware of my cock when I was about 12. I remember sitting on the toilet pulling my circumcision back from the head and cleaning out the cheese. My cock then was about the size of my thumb. That stiffened me a bit and I discovered how to masturbate. It usually consisted of kneeling in front of the toilet and shooting my load into the bowl. Other times I would get some toilet paper and lay down on the bed and stroke off a load. One day when I had skipped school I went around the apartment naked. I turned on the vacuum and stuck my cock in. Instant erection. If I placed it just right the foreskin would vibrate and I would shoot my load in the hose. I would stay in a few minutes to drain the last drops. When I was young and flexible I found I could get my cock in my mouth. I would put jam on my cock and lick it off. For some stupid reason it never occurred to beat off into my mouth.
Mister Naked
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United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Irela/York
dirty old man, don\'t get enough, love jacking since I don\'t get laid. I first became aware of my cock when I was about 12.I remember sitting on the toilet pulling my circumcision back from the head and cleaning out the cheese.My cock then was about