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Michael Nichols

Adult Video Creator

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Video games on PornHub? Why? Because...1) Certain other sites (AKA, YouTube) have very...flexible...definitions of what is 'family friendly'. Say the wrong word, show the wrong thing, and your channel can be demonetized or struck out entirely. Those guidelines are invisible and constantly changing. PornHub is, at least, upfront about what it is. Bare minimum, I can say "FUCK!!!" without any trouble.2) Certain other sites (why don't I just @YouTube next time) also have very ad revenue. If you're going to do something, might as well get a little bit of income on the side for it.Fair warning: there's going to be a mix of content here, game wise, and a lot of it isn't necessarily going to be spank bank/shik flick material. If you're not in the mood for watching gameplay of questionable quality, that's cool - scroll on and I hope you find something you like. If you are in that frame of mind, sit back and relax, preferably with an adult beverage or legal recreational chemical of your cho... [Details Intro]