Girls only dm me if u are interested in trying new things with me GIRLS ONLY MUST BE IN IOWA CITY IOWA USA AREA OR CRADER RAPIDS IOWA USA ARE AND HAVE UR OWN VEHICLE ANDGAS MONEY. please make sure u send me a picture of you. Tell me where u from and age and if u wanting to make a porno with me and receive part of the pay once I get it or if u wann make a porno and try to fit it all in. Please make sure u do that or else I won't respond back and of u are in Iowa city Iowa usa please only dm 3194403260PLEASE MAKE SIRE U ARE IN IOWA CITY IOWA USA TELL ME WHERE U FROM AND SEND ME A PICTURE OF GIRLS ONLY. PLEASE MAKE SURE U ARE IN IOWA CITY IOWA USA AREA OR SROUNDING AREAS. LIKE CEADER RAPIDS IOWA NOTH LABRITY IOWA TIFFIN IOWA TIPTON IOWA USA COALVILLE IOWA USA OR KOLAN IOWA USA U MUST PROVE ME THAT U ARE IN THOSE AREAS AND MAKE SURE U SEND ME A PICTURE OF YOU AND WHAT U WANT TO DO AND DONT ASK FOR MONEY OR ANYTHING UNTIL WE MEET AND SEE IF U CAN HANLDE ME. SO PLEASE FOLLOW ... [
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