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Aprilrain1999 rank and video views history on pornhub

Newest: 2024-09-05 00:04   Post num: 8   Views: 4973
Publish time: to
Data Publish time Data typeArea Publish author Remark
25438 2024-11-08 10:27 pornhub rankAll World Aprilrain1999 RPA
25608 2024-11-06 10:46 pornhub rankAll World Aprilrain1999 RPA
24971 2024-11-02 19:42 pornhub rankAll World Aprilrain1999 RPA
82263 2024-11-01 12:59 pornhub video viewsAll World Aprilrain1999 RPA
30438 2024-11-01 12:59 pornhub profile viewsAll World Aprilrain1999 RPA
24971 2024-11-01 12:53 pornhub rankAll World Aprilrain1999 RPA
72317 2024-09-12 09:20 pornhub video viewsAll World Aprilrain1999 RPA
24574 2024-09-12 09:18 pornhub rankAll World Aprilrain1999 RPA
About Me: I’m very sexy active and love having sex multiple times a day the more the better The Relationship Between Heart and Sex From the heart connection so much changes. There is healing. There is opening. There is expansion. There is connection. There is intimacy. There is energy. There is movement. We go from friction sex, simply one body part rubbing against another searching for release, to connected sex. We go from the contraction, the tension, of all the anxieties around performance and judgment, to relaxation softening and presence. We go from performance to pleasure. We go from an urgency and a rush to slowing into the moment. We go from a chasing to fulfillment. We step into possibility. And we feel. Sensation, emotion, energy. We learn how our Yoni and Lingam want, really want, to be touched, caressed, stroked, locked, sucked. How they really want to be penetrated, opened, penetrate. We learn what the desire of the body is, rather than the patterned, conditioned

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